| Midwest Food Bank Distribution 8 AM - 10/15/2024 - 8:00 am
contact Joe Bowler @ ltcbowler@gmail.com
| Tuesdays with God Bible Study 9:30 AM - 10/15/2024 - 9:30 am
contact Vija Cole colebandv@comcast.net or Linda Williams lspwjen78@gmail.com
| Midwest Food Bank Distribution 8 AM - 10/16/2024 - 8:00 am
contact Joe Bowler @ ltcbowler@gmail.com
| Fish STIX Xylophone & Chime Choir (J.I.M. Jam) 10 AM - 10/16/2024 - 10:00 am
contact Andi Laaker wogfishstix@gmail.com
| Constitution Review Ad-hoc Committee 10AM - 10/16/2024 - 10:00 am
contact Randy Weston @ willie4020@gmail.com or Joe Bowler @ ltcbowler@gmail.com
| Wednesday Night Bible Study 7 PM - 10/16/2024 - 7:00 pm
contact Robin Davis @ crkbd@aol.com, Pastor Jason @ pastorjason@woglutheran.net
| Midwest Food Bank Distribution 8 AM - 10/17/2024 - 8:00 am
contact Joe Bowler @ ltcbowler@gmail.com
| RLC Mobile Food Pantry 9:00 AM - 10/17/2024 - 9:00 am
contact: Sue Burnett @ suegburnett@att.net or Dixie King, RLC dking@reallifecenter.org
| Assemble Bulletins - 10/17/2024 - 1:00 pm
contact: Colleen, church office 770-897-4508
* If Thursday falls on a holiday, bulletins will nedd picked up on Wednesday
| Service Committee Meeting 7 PM - 10/17/2024 - 7:00 pm
contact Milke Lennon mjlennon@gablind.com
| Fish STIX 7PM - 10/17/2024 - 7:00 pm
contact Andi Laaker wogfishstix@gmail.com
| Girl Scout First-Aid, CPR, AED Training 6 PM [Linda Williams] - 10/18/2024 - 6:00 pm
contact Linda Williams @ lspwjen78@gmail.com or 770-328-4022
| Adrianne Setzer’s Silver Branch Farm Party - 10/19/2024 - 3:30 pm
~ RSVP: Adrianne @ asetzer@numail.org. ~
- Parking area will be marked, please do not park in front of the barn. ~
Please Bring:
- Chair(s) for yourself and others in your group.
- Side dish to share.
- Hat for sun.
- Music from 5-8:00 PM provided by TBD
- Beverages will be provided.
- Appetizers from 4:00-5:00 PM
- Dinner – Low Country Boil provided by Adrianne’s neighbors beginning at 5:00 PM
- Food Trucks TBD
Dogs are welcome!
- Plenty of carrots at the party to feed the horses.
- Chickens (eggs may be available, first come first serve, one dozen per family please).
- Games
| Fish STIX Sunday School 9 AM - 10/20/2024 - 9:00 am
contact Andi Laaker @ wogfishstix@gmail.com
| Children's Sunday School 9 am - 10/20/2024 - 9:00 am
| Discovery Class 9AM - 10/20/2024 - 9:00 am
contact Vince Compagno @ vince@vmcise.com
| Worship Service 10:15 AM - 10/20/2024 - 10:15 am
| Choir Practice 11:45 AM - 10/20/2024 - 11:45 am
contact: Mare Spearman @ highlites64@yahoo.com
- choir sings on the 2nd & 4th Sundays
| Faithful Hand Ministry 10 AM - 10/21/2024 - 10:00 am
contact Diann Eveland or Tat Pike
| Tuesdays with God Bible Study 9:30 AM - 10/22/2024 - 9:30 am
contact Vija Cole colebandv@comcast.net or Linda Williams lspwjen78@gmail.com
| Pathways 2 Bible Study 7 PM - 10/22/2024 - 6:00 pm
contact Andi Laaker wogfishstix@gmail.com
| Fish STIX Xylophone & Chime Choir (J.I.M. Jam) 10 AM - 10/23/2024 - 10:00 am
contact Andi Laaker wogfishstix@gmail.com
| Wednesday Night Bible Study 7 PM - 10/23/2024 - 7:00 pm
contact Robin Davis @ crkbd@aol.com, Pastor Jason @ pastorjason@woglutheran.net
| Assemble Bulletins - 10/24/2024 - 1:00 pm
contact: Colleen, church office 770-897-4508
* If Thursday falls on a holiday, bulletins will nedd picked up on Wednesday
| Fish STIX Sunday School 9 AM - 10/27/2024 - 9:00 am
contact Andi Laaker @ wogfishstix@gmail.com
| Children's Sunday School 9 am - 10/27/2024 - 9:00 am
| Discovery Class 9AM - 10/27/2024 - 9:00 am
contact Vince Compagno @ vince@vmcise.com
| Choir Practice 9:25 AM - 10/27/2024 - 9:25 am
contact Mare Spearman @ highlites64@yahoo.com
| Worship Service 10:15 AM - 10/27/2024 - 10:15 am
| Stewardship Team Annual STEW-OFF - 10/27/2024 - 11:30 am
contact Karyn CUmmins @ karyncummins@hotmail.com
| Choir Practice 11:45 AM - 10/27/2024 - 11:45 am
contact: Mare Spearman @ highlites64@yahoo.com
- choir sings on the 2nd & 4th Sundays
| Tuesdays with God Bible Study 9:30 AM - 10/29/2024 - 9:30 am
contact Vija Cole colebandv@comcast.net or Linda Williams lspwjen78@gmail.com
| Fish STIX Xylophone & Chime Choir (J.I.M. Jam) 10 AM - 10/30/2024 - 10:00 am
contact Andi Laaker wogfishstix@gmail.com
| Wednesday Night Bible Study 7 PM - 10/30/2024 - 7:00 pm
contact Robin Davis @ crkbd@aol.com, Pastor Jason @ pastorjason@woglutheran.net
| Assemble Bulletins - 10/31/2024 - 1:00 pm
contact: Colleen, church office 770-897-4508
* If Thursday falls on a holiday, bulletins will nedd picked up on Wednesday
| Fish STIX Sunday School 9 AM - 11/3/2024 - 9:00 am
contact Andi Laaker @ wogfishstix@gmail.com
| Children's Sunday School 9 am - 11/3/2024 - 9:00 am
| Worship Service 10:15 AM - 11/3/2024 - 10:15 am
| Discovery Class Brunch 11:30 AM - 11/3/2024 - 11:30 am
contact Vince Compagno @ vince@vmcise.com
| Choir Practice 11:45 AM - 11/3/2024 - 11:45 am
contact: Mare Spearman @ highlites64@yahoo.com
- choir sings on the 2nd & 4th Sundays
| Faithful Hand Ministry 10 AM - 11/4/2024 - 10:00 am
contact Diann Eveland or Tata Pike
| Tuesdays with God Bible Study 9:30 AM - 11/5/2024 - 9:30 am
contact Vija Cole colebandv@comcast.net or Linda Williams lspwjen78@gmail.com
| Fish STIX Xylophone & Chime Choir (J.I.M. Jam) 10 AM - 11/6/2024 - 10:00 am
contact Andi Laaker wogfishstix@gmail.com
| Wednesday Night Bible Study 7 PM - 11/6/2024 - 7:00 pm
contact Robin Davis @ crkbd@aol.com, Pastor Jason @ pastorjason@woglutheran.net
| Assemble Bulletins - 11/7/2024 - 1:00 pm
contact: Colleen, church office 770-897-4508
* If Thursday falls on a holiday, bulletins will nedd picked up on Wednesday
| Thanksgiving Cooking Workshop K-5th Graders - 11/9/2024 - 10:00 am
contact: Shirley Arnold @ sja1045@comcast.net, Tameka Edwards @ tameka@woglutheran.org
| Fish STIX Sunday School 9 AM - 11/10/2024 - 9:00 am
contact Andi Laaker @ wogfishstix@gmail.com
| Children's Sunday School 9 am - 11/10/2024 - 9:00 am
| Worship Service 10:15 AM - 11/10/2024 - 10:15 am
| VETERANS' DAY - 11/11/2024 - 8:00 am
| Midwest Food Bank Distribution 8 AM - 11/12/2024 - 8:00 am
contact Joe Bowler @ ltcbowler@gmail.com
| Tuesdays with God Bible Study 9:30 AM - 11/12/2024 - 9:30 am
contact Vija Cole colebandv@comcast.net or Linda Williams lspwjen78@gmail.com
| Midwest Food Bank Distribution 8 AM - 11/13/2024 - 8:00 am
contact Joe Bowler @ ltcbowler@gmail.com
| Real Life Center Senior Bag Program 9 AM - 11/13/2024 - 9:00 am
contact Sue Burnett @ suegburnett@att.net
| Fish STIX Xylophone & Chime Choir (J.I.M. Jam) 10 AM - 11/13/2024 - 10:00 am
contact Andi Laaker wogfishstix@gmail.com
| Wednesday Night Bible Study 7 PM - 11/13/2024 - 7:00 pm
contact Robin Davis @ crkbd@aol.com, Pastor Jason @ pastorjason@woglutheran.net
| Midwest Food Bank Distribution 8 AM - 11/14/2024 - 8:00 am
contact Joe Bowler @ ltcbowler@gmail.com
| Assemble Bulletins - 11/14/2024 - 1:00 pm
contact: Colleen, church office 770-897-4508
* If Thursday falls on a holiday, bulletins will nedd picked up on Wednesday
| Last Day to Return Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes - 11/17/2024 - 8:00 am
2024 National Collection Week is Monday, November 18 - Monday, November 25
| Fish STIX Sunday School 9 AM - 11/17/2024 - 9:00 am
contact Andi Laaker @ wogfishstix@gmail.com
| Children's Sunday School 9 am - 11/17/2024 - 9:00 am
| Worship Service 10:15 AM - 11/17/2024 - 10:15 am
| Choir Practice 11:45 AM - 11/17/2024 - 11:45 am
contact: Mare Spearman @ highlites64@yahoo.com
- choir sings on the 2nd & 4th Sundays
| Faithful Hand Ministry 10 AM - 11/18/2024 - 10:00 am
contact Diann Eveland or Tat Pike
| Tuesdays with God Bible Study 9:30 AM - 11/19/2024 - 9:30 am
contact Vija Cole colebandv@comcast.net or Linda Williams lspwjen78@gmail.com
| Fish STIX Xylophone & Chime Choir (J.I.M. Jam) 10 AM - 11/20/2024 - 10:00 am
contact Andi Laaker wogfishstix@gmail.com
| Wednesday Night Bible Study 7 PM - 11/20/2024 - 7:00 pm
contact Robin Davis @ crkbd@aol.com, Pastor Jason @ pastorjason@woglutheran.net
| RLC Mobile Food Pantry 9:00 AM - 11/21/2024 - 9:00 am
contact: Sue Burnett @ suegburnett@att.net or Dixie King, RLC dking@reallifecenter.org
| Assemble Bulletins - 11/21/2024 - 1:00 pm
contact: Colleen, church office 770-897-4508
* If Thursday falls on a holiday, bulletins will nedd picked up on Wednesday
| Fish STIX 7PM - 11/21/2024 - 7:00 pm
contact Andi Laaker wogfishstix@gmail.com
| Children's Sunday School 9 am - 11/24/2024 - 9:00 am
| Worship Service 10:15 AM - 11/24/2024 - 10:15 am
| Choir Practice 11:45 AM - 11/24/2024 - 11:45 am
contact: Mare Spearman @ highlites64@yahoo.com
- choir sings on the 2nd & 4th Sundays
| Tuesdays with God Bible Study 9:30 AM - 11/26/2024 - 9:30 am
contact Vija Cole colebandv@comcast.net or Linda Williams lspwjen78@gmail.com
| Pathways 2 Bible Study 7 PM - 11/26/2024 - 6:00 pm
contact Andi Laaker wogfishstix@gmail.com
| Assemble Bulletins 1PM - 11/27/2024 - 1:00 am
| Fish STIX Xylophone & Chime Choir (J.I.M. Jam) 10 AM - 11/27/2024 - 10:00 am
contact Andi Laaker wogfishstix@gmail.com
| Wednesday Night Bible Study 7 PM - 11/27/2024 - 7:00 pm
contact Robin Davis @ crkbd@aol.com, Pastor Jason @ pastorjason@woglutheran.net
| THANKSGIVING church office will be closed - 11/28/2024 - 8:00 am
church office will be closed
| 1st Sunday in ADVENT - 12/1/2024 - 8:00 am
| Fish STIX Sunday School 9 AM - 12/1/2024 - 9:00 am
contact Andi Laaker @ wogfishstix@gmail.com
| Children's Sunday School 9 am - 12/1/2024 - 9:00 am
| Worship Service 10:15 AM - 12/1/2024 - 10:15 am
| Choir Practice 11:45 AM - 12/1/2024 - 11:45 am
contact: Mare Spearman @ highlites64@yahoo.com
- choir sings on the 2nd & 4th Sundays
| Faithful Hand Ministry 10 AM - 12/2/2024 - 10:00 am
contact Diann Eveland or Tata Pike
| Tuesdays with God Bible Study 9:30 AM - 12/3/2024 - 9:30 am
contact Vija Cole colebandv@comcast.net or Linda Williams lspwjen78@gmail.com
| Midweek Advent Service - 12/4/2024 - 8:00 am
time TBD
| Fish STIX Xylophone & Chime Choir (J.I.M. Jam) 10 AM - 12/4/2024 - 10:00 am
contact Andi Laaker wogfishstix@gmail.com
| Wednesday Night Bible Study 7 PM - 12/4/2024 - 7:00 pm
contact Robin Davis @ crkbd@aol.com, Pastor Jason @ pastorjason@woglutheran.net
| Assemble Bulletins - 12/5/2024 - 1:00 pm
contact: Colleen, church office 770-897-4508
* If Thursday falls on a holiday, bulletins will nedd picked up on Wednesday
| Set-up RLC Christmas Dinner Bags for Sunday Assembly 10 AM - 12/7/2024 - 10:00 am
contact Sue Burnett @ sueburnett@att.net
| 2nd Sunday in ADVENT - 12/8/2024 - 8:00 am
| Fish STIX Sunday School 9 AM - 12/8/2024 - 9:00 am
contact Andi Laaker @ wogfishstix@gmail.com
| Children's Sunday School 9 am - 12/8/2024 - 9:00 am
| Worship Service 10:15 AM - 12/8/2024 - 10:15 am
| Real Life Center Christmas Dinner Bags 11:30 AM - 12/8/2024 - 11:30 am
assemble Christmas Dinner Bags for the Real Life Center following service
| Real Life Center Senior Bag Pickup 10:30 AM - 12/9/2024 - 10:30 am
contact Sue Burnett @ sueburnett@att.net
| Tuesdays with God Bible Study 9:30 AM - 12/10/2024 - 9:30 am
contact Vija Cole colebandv@comcast.net or Linda Williams lspwjen78@gmail.com
| Midweek Advent Service - 12/11/2024 - 8:00 am
time TBD
| Real Life Center Senior Bag Program 9 AM - 12/11/2024 - 9:00 am
contact Sue Burnett @ suegburnett@att.net
| Fish STIX Xylophone & Chime Choir (J.I.M. Jam) 10 AM - 12/11/2024 - 10:00 am
contact Andi Laaker wogfishstix@gmail.com
| Wednesday Night Bible Study 7 PM - 12/11/2024 - 7:00 pm
contact Robin Davis @ crkbd@aol.com, Pastor Jason @ pastorjason@woglutheran.net
| Assemble Bulletins - 12/12/2024 - 1:00 pm
contact: Colleen, church office 770-897-4508
* If Thursday falls on a holiday, bulletins will nedd picked up on Wednesday
| Friday Night Fun Night Christmas Party 7PM - 12/12/2024 - 7:00 pm
contact Andi Laaker @ wogfishstix@gmail.com
| 3rd Sunday in ADVENT - 12/15/2024 - 8:00 am
| Fish STIX Sunday School 9 AM - 12/15/2024 - 9:00 am
contact Andi Laaker @ wogfishstix@gmail.com
| Children's Sunday School 9 am - 12/15/2024 - 9:00 am
| Worship Service 10:15 AM - 12/15/2024 - 10:15 am
| Choir Practice 11:45 AM - 12/15/2024 - 11:45 am
contact: Mare Spearman @ highlites64@yahoo.com
- choir sings on the 2nd & 4th Sundays
| Coweta Fayette Music Teachers Assoc. PIANO Recital 2 & 4 PM - 12/15/2024 - 2:00 pm
contact Mary Prather @ maryprather@gmail.com
| Piano Recital [Britt] 6 PM - 12/16/2024 - 6:00 pm
contact Britt Burns brittlweber@yahoo.com
| Midwest Food Bank Distribution 8 AM - 12/17/2024 - 8:00 am
contact Joe Bowler @ ltcbowler@gmail.com
| Tuesdays with God Bible Study 9:30 AM - 12/17/2024 - 9:30 am
contact Vija Cole colebandv@comcast.net or Linda Williams lspwjen78@gmail.com
| Pathways 2 Bible Study 7 PM - 12/17/2024 - 6:00 pm
contact Andi Laaker wogfishstix@gmail.com
| Midwest Food Bank Distribution 8 AM - 12/18/2024 - 8:00 am
contact Joe Bowler @ ltcbowler@gmail.com
| Midweek Advent Service - 12/18/2024 - 8:00 am
time TBD
| Fish STIX Xylophone & Chime Choir (J.I.M. Jam) 10 AM - 12/18/2024 - 10:00 am
contact Andi Laaker wogfishstix@gmail.com
| Wednesday Night Bible Study 7 PM - 12/18/2024 - 7:00 pm
contact Robin Davis @ crkbd@aol.com, Pastor Jason @ pastorjason@woglutheran.net
| Midwest Food Bank Distribution 8 AM - 12/19/2024 - 8:00 am
contact Joe Bowler @ ltcbowler@gmail.com
| RLC Mobile Food Pantry 9:00 AM - 12/19/2024 - 9:00 am
contact: Sue Burnett @ suegburnett@att.net or Dixie King, RLC dking@reallifecenter.org
| Assemble Bulletins - 12/19/2024 - 1:00 pm
contact: Colleen, church office 770-897-4508
* If Thursday falls on a holiday, bulletins will nedd picked up on Wednesday
| Fish STIX 7PM - 12/19/2024 - 7:00 pm
contact Andi Laaker wogfishstix@gmail.com
| 4th Sunday in ADVENT - 12/22/2024 - 8:00 am
| Worship Service 10:15 AM - 12/22/2024 - 10:15 am
| Choir Practice 11:45 AM - 12/22/2024 - 11:45 am
contact: Mare Spearman @ highlites64@yahoo.com
- choir sings on the 2nd & 4th Sundays
| Christmas Eve - 12/24/2024 - 8:00 am
| Christmas - 12/25/2024 - 8:00 am
* church office is closed
| church office is closed - 12/25/2024 - 8:00 am
| Assemble Bulletins - 12/26/2024 - 1:00 pm
contact: Colleen, church office 770-897-4508
* If Thursday falls on a holiday, bulletins will nedd picked up on Wednesday
| Worship Service 10:15 AM - 12/29/2024 - 10:15 am
| New Year's Eve - 12/31/2024 - 8:00 am
* church office is closed
| NEW YEAR'S DAY - 01/1/2025 - 8:00 am
| church office is closed - 01/1/2025 - 8:00 am
| Assemble Bulletins - 01/2/2025 - 1:00 pm
contact: Colleen, church office 770-897-4508
* If Thursday falls on a holiday, bulletins will nedd picked up on Wednesday
| FS Theater Class 10 AM - 01/4/2025 - 10:00 am
contact Andi Laaker wogfishstix@gmail.com
- FEB 15 will be Performance
| Fish STIX Sunday School 9 AM - 01/5/2025 - 9:00 am
contact Andi Laaker @ wogfishstix@gmail.com
| Children's Sunday School 9 am - 01/5/2025 - 9:00 am
| Choir Practice 11:45 AM - 01/5/2025 - 11:45 am
contact: Mare Spearman @ highlites64@yahoo.com
- choir sings on the 2nd & 4th Sundays
| Faithful Hand Ministry 10 AM - 01/6/2025 - 10:00 am
contact Diann Eveland or Tata Pike
| Tuesdays with God Bible Study 9:30 AM - 01/7/2025 - 9:30 am
contact Vija Cole colebandv@comcast.net or Linda Williams lspwjen78@gmail.com
| Fish STIX Xylophone & Chime Choir (J.I.M. Jam) 10 AM - 01/8/2025 - 10:00 am
contact Andi Laaker wogfishstix@gmail.com
| Wednesday Night Bible Study 7 PM - 01/8/2025 - 7:00 pm
contact Robin Davis @ crkbd@aol.com, Pastor Jason @ pastorjason@woglutheran.net
| Assemble Bulletins - 01/9/2025 - 1:00 pm
contact: Colleen, church office 770-897-4508
* If Thursday falls on a holiday, bulletins will nedd picked up on Wednesday
| FS Theater Class 10 AM - 01/11/2025 - 10:00 am
contact Andi Laaker wogfishstix@gmail.com
- FEB 15 will be Performance